棒球巨星 2012 SIM Baseball Mogul 2012
棒球巨星 2012 SIM Baseball Mogul 2012
棒球巨星 2012 SIM Baseball Mogul 2012 英文正式版(模擬經營類遊戲軟體)
Deeper - Baseball Mogul 2012 takes you beyond trades and free agent
signings. From drafting and cultivating talent to handling contract
disputes and managing budgets, youe in control of every aspect of your
team - on and off the field.
Faster - With hundreds of improvements to the game engine, interface and
artificial intelligence, youl be able to do more in less time, without
sacrificing the depth and realism of your game play experience.
Authentic - Choose your favorite team in any season from 1901 to 2011. Or
create a fictional league with just a few mouse clicks. Our proprietary
physics engine plays out the exact speed and break of every pitch. With
detailed stats and ratings for over 17,000 real players, your options are
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