LightZone v3.7 英文正式版(數位圖像暗室軟體) 破解說明:
Use our keygen to register + activate the application.
Big Thanks to Our Friends In DI for sharing their HWID generation
algo! 內容說明:
LightZone -- 你的私人數碼圖像暗室。它提供了豐富的強大,但易於使用的數碼圖像編輯工具。
幫助減少高Iso 數字圖像的噪訊、正確顏色轉移和白平衡錯誤, 有選擇性地增強或模糊圖像, 去
除斑點和促進整體顏色創造美好, 驚人的圖像。 英文說明:
Photo editing for professional photographers who like things made
simple. fundamentally changed the way digital photo editing is done.
reducing complexity and returning control to photographers. 相關商品: